You know, when you're protesting about idiocy, it's a good idea to do some pretty careful fact-checking?
Most obviously, Hitler was not stupid (misguided, but not stupid) and Trump was not industrious (persuasive to some, but not industrious).
Also, an inability to understand nuance is a mark of idiocy. And yet your article has multiple such instances of lack of nuance. Granted, you can't get to the nuances in everything, but you don't actually present *any* nuanced cases, so the failures are all the more telling.
For instance, both evolution and Critical Race Theory has *some* evidence in support of it. However, evolution has almost unfathomably deep support, while CRT is drastically less-well supported. Your description misses that nuance. Additionally, you seem repeatedly to be inflating "wicked" with "dumb/ignorant" (and perhaps more troubling, "nominally compassionate" with "informed/smart"), when the two are quite different.
For instance, you can find plenty of idiocy in the advice given for masking, for vaccines, for CRT, even for evolution. "We smart, they dumb" is a kind of tribal idiocy of its own, and if you haven't fallen afoul of this yourself, you're at the very least straying perilously close.