You know, you can find groups of men who hold multiple degrees, speak several languages, etc.--for instance, in faculty rooms in ivy league universities. (The women there are similarly impressive, but the point remains that in that particular narrow context there is no lack of men who have such qualities.)
However, it sounds to me like your friends are drawn from a different pool than your girlfriend's pool. There is a disparity in educational attainment and such, but it's not that large.
If you rank order men and women by some mix of drive and intellectual curiosity, the pools you're describing are not the corresponding ranks.
The overall advice is good: if you want to be more appealing to potential partners, be a better catch. But you're making the challenge more daunting than it needs to be, unless you're writing specifically for people who are after partners in the top 5% or so (when ranking by the qualities you describe--one can rank in other ways, or decline to rank people at all).