You repeatedly (1) said you didn't understand me (were you lying?), and (2) actually misunderstood me.
These are all direct quotes from you:
(1) "Your comment doesn't make sense to me."
(2) "I have absolutely NO REFERENCE point for understanding how you possibly came to the conclusion"
(3) "By the way, what does the fact that Ms. Elliott is 90 years old have to do with anything???"
(4) "Even if it is true that "people who take the approach that Allison seems to prefer [that is, the one that I articulated above] also sometimes say things they shouldn't" --- so what???"
(5) "If not, then what (exactly and specifically) is your point???"
(6) ""But this is terrible evidence" of what??? I don't understand what you're talking about.".
(7) ""...we don't have anyone to compare to who took another approach???" WHAT???!!! WHAT???!!! Surely you're NOT saying or imp[lying that no one else is known to have developeIt's fine to not d ideas relative to addressing racism"
Number (1) was your entire post that time! Number (7) isn't what I was saying at all!
You repeatedly, demonstrably, and in your own words had trouble understanding me. And now you claim that you never had any trouble at all, and just disagreed?
And this after saying your words were based in reality--it's what you do?
Come on.
I appreciate your time--time is valuable, and I recognize that, and therefore I always appreciate everyone's time spent conversing. But the verbally abusive and now just flat out false, historically-revisionist content I do not appreciate, and is actively counterproductive to resolving anything by discussion, so I suggest that we abandon this conversation, and hope that next time we cross paths the quality is higher.