Your response to Turkistani was clear, but he provided no evidence at all for his "shockingly despicable assertion", and you both strengthened the claim and provided only surpassingly weak evidence.
Let's look at what you said in response.
"That is clearly an irrefutable certainty" which was either to Turkistani's claim that Israel had tortured UNRWA members to extract confessions, or to his claim that they may have faked October 7 evidence.
Irrefutable certainty is a very, very high degree of confidence, so one would expect really good evidence.
This is what you offer: "Israeli full control of the area"--this would make deception or torture slightly harder to detect; "the shocking lack of surveillance video and other prototype technology that Israel has been using for decades"--irrelevant to torture (because you don't surveil yourself) and very weak evidence for faking; and "their control of telecommunications" which makes it somewhat harder to get devices out but people do in occupied territories all the time so again this is weak evidence at best.
This kind of huge leap from very weak evidence to certainty of despicable acts is in stark contrast to how you said you operate. This is conspiracy theory groupie level thinking.