You're so vague I can't even tell what you're disputing. If it's not relevant, how about you say exactly what you are disputing? All of relativity? That photons travel through a pseudo-Riemannian manifold? That you have to be able to construct Maxwell's equations in a frame-invariant way?
What is the "more plausible result" for gravitational lensing and the lack of anisotropy in EM propagation? You haven't said. You must have something in mind to know whether it's more plausible. Share it already, huh?
It's really hard to build cumulative knowledge if you won't accumulate knowledge. Why don't you think redshifts have to do with velocity away from us? Do you think "tired light" is a thing? Are you untroubled by the multiple strongly contradictory observations with that?
What are the criteria by which something is deemed a "hobbyist experiment"? Do you think all of relativity rests on the results of that experiment?