You've written a huge amount, and made good points and bad, and I don't have time to address it all. I will address the above, later on: it's a very precise ask, so easy to fulfill.
However, what I requested was that you back up your claim that TaraElla wants to "shut down speech". And despite the 1500ish words you wrote, you didn't. She has said over and over than she wants to criticize bad ideas and you haven't refuted that at all.
Meanwhile, you've made multiple demonstrably untrue claims about her position. For instance, you say, "She just hates liberal values. She doesn’t want the right to suffer consequences." Yet she has a whole article excoriating the right's authoritarian moves and exhorting people to resist--and yes, she calls them illiberal (as well as postliberal):
And look, she does it again here:
You say, "Name a single time when anything the right wing has done that denies freedom speech, denies freedom to “live and let live,” TaraAllen NEVER calls those things “deplatforming” or “cancel culture.”" Well, here you go: A key quote from her: "cancel culture that comes from the supposedly ‘non-woke’ is not taken as seriously. It’s like how when, earlier this year, Florida governor Ron DeSantis used the power of the state to ‘punish’ Disney for speaking up against his Don’t Say Gay law, and ‘anti-woke’ free speech forces didn’t unite to oppose the move..."
There she is, pointing out that the right isn't being held properly to account for its cancel culture!
Mostly she doesn't even bother talking about the cancel culture aspect of the right because she's too busy talking about the authoritarianism which is even worse (see first two links).
The existence of actual systems of oppression (which, by the way, TaraElla explicitly acknowledges, e.g.: "Note that non-systemists don’t always deny the systematic nature of some of the discrimination present in society, we just don’t believe this is a good primary lens with which to analyze and change society.") does not free you from the responsibility of understanding what other people say when you're criticizing them.
Okay, back to the quoted ask.
I don't know why you haven't been able to find someone who can give you an answer to the question I quoted above. Or maybe lots of people have, but you reject them all for some reason?
If you know anything about blacklisting of Communists, you know full well that you don't need laws to have a highly oppressive effect. If you don't know anything about it, read up:
Check out the antics of the House Un American Activities Commitee, too, if you want to see how you can impose your will via fear without needing explicit laws:
Nonetheless, you asked for a bill actually restricting or criminalizing speech from the left. There aren't many (especially which passed), but here you go:
Since you seem to not think that employment is important, only life, here are some cases of cancellation where the degree of trauma was life-threatening or life-ending: (1) and (2) and (3) and (4) and (5)
Oh, guess what? When you say horrible things about people over and over, just like when the right does it, people on the left also can be motivated to start being actually violent:
None of this obviates the very real issues you bring up also, but neither do the very real issues you bring up obviate this.